Our Services

Boundary Surveys - Record of Surveys

Record of Surveys are very time consuming and involve many hours of research and field time to follow in the footsteps of the original surveyor. They consist of filing a map with the County in which the property is situated and I many cases involve much back and forth with comments on the map with the County Surveyor. The price for this service is commonly double that of a Corner Record and includes the setting of permanent monuments and the property corners.

Boundary Surveys - Corner Record

Corner records are permitted only when there is a recorded map of your property. This can happen a few ways: There is already a Record of Survey on file with the County of your property (or there is a common line) or there is a recorded Parcel Map or Final Map recorded of your property. This is typical for properties located in a Subdivision. This service includes setting permanent markers in the field and the preparation of the Corner Record document 8.5”x11” to be filed with the County.

Topographic Surveys w/ Record Boundary

Topographic surveys are usually required to be submitted as a base map for the Architect or Engineer working on you project. This services entails the field survey and the mapping process, in addition to the establishment of the record boundary.

Lot Line Adjustments

Lot Line Adjustments consist of changing the lot lines configuration of existing lots that will not create more lots than originally configured (see Subdivision Map Act). This process includes an application with the agency where your lot is situated, a Site Map that includes existing features of the property (different for every agency) and the record boundary, as well as showing the proposed new configuration. The agencies have fees to review the application ranging from $2,000 - $7,000 (rough estimate).

ALTA Surveys

An ALTA survey usually consists of a topographic survey showing the existing features as well a defined boundary. This is required for large property purchases.

SB9 Lot Splits

The new Senate Bill 9 allows for expedited review of the lot splitting process. The requirements are usually less stringent and are geared towards urban environments to allow the expansion of housing.

  • Commercial Construction Staking

    We offer the full range of construction staking services to assist builders in the layout of utilities, building grid lines, and earthwork and grading.

  • Residential Construction Staking

    We offer staking services of residential buildings as well. There is no project too small.

About Father’s Land Surveying

Aiden J. Sanchez of Mexican and American descent has been surveying for 10+ years and has gained substantial experience in rugged terrain surveying, heavy urban environment surveying, very large construction projects all the way down to surveying small residential lots. Aiden obtained has his Associates Degree in Civil Engineering Technology from the Santa Rosa Junior College and obtained his Land Surveying License in December of 2024. Aiden loves the outdoors and working on challenging projects with clients.

Contact Us

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